LWG technologies limited
Policy and Procedures Manual
- Dress Code
- Tobacco Free Workplace
- Weapon-Free Workplace
- Cell Phone
- Computer and Internet
- Social Media
- Policy Against Workplace Harassment
- Attendance
- Safety Policies and Procedures
- Employee Evaluation
- Public Non-Discrimination Notice
Dress Code Policy
All casual clothing is not suitable for the workplace. These guidelines will help the supervisor and employees determine appropriate dress for their company.
* Clothing considered suitable for hanging out, hunting, yard work, exercise sessions, or social events is not always appropriate for work environments.
- Clothing that reveals too much cleavage, your back, your chest, your feet, your stomach or your underwear is not appropriate for a place of business, even within the Simulated Workplace classroom. * If you can trip over your jeans because the legs are too long it is a safety issue.
- Even in a business casual work environment, clothing should be pressed and never wrinkled.
- Torn, dirty, or frayed clothing is unacceptable.
- Any clothing that has words, terms, or pictures that may be offensive to other employees, customers or visitors is unacceptable.
- Clothing depicting the company logo is encouraged.
- Sports team, university, and fashion brand names on clothing are generally acceptable.
- Certain days may require specific dress. Interviews, presentations, field trips, or when visitors are coming to the classroom, employees may be required to wear a company shirt with clean jeans or kaki’s.
- No dress code can cover all contingencies; therefore, employees must exert a certain amount of judgment in their choice of clothing. If employees experience uncertainty about acceptable or professional business casual attire, they are advised to ask the supervisor for approval.
Dress Code Policy
Shoes and Footwear
- Shoes and Footwear: Official shoes are acceptable for Simulated Workplace environments.
- Flip-flops, slippers, and any shoe with an open toe are not acceptable at Simulated Workplace environments due to safety violations.
tank tops; midriff tops; shirts with potentially offensive words, terms, logos, pictures, cartoons, or slogans; halter-tops; tops with bare shoulders; sweatshirts, and t-shirts unless worn under another blouse, shirt, jacket, or dress.
Jewelry, Makeup, Perfume, and Cologne
- Jewelry, makeup, perfume, and cologne should be in good taste. Remember, that some co-workers, customers or visitors may be allergic to the chemicals in perfumes and make-up, so wear these substances with restraint.
- Body piercing should be limited and in some instances removed or covered, in order to compile with safety regulations.
- Tattoos should be limited and in some instances covered, especially if they may be offensive to co-workers, costumers or visitors.
Hats and Head Covering
- Hats are not appropriate in an office environment.
- Head covers that are required for religious purposes or to honor cultural tradition are permitted.
- If clothing fails to meet these standards, as determined by the employees and supervisor, the offending employee will be reprimanded in accordance to the disciplinary policies and procedures of the company. If the problem persists, progressive disciplinary action will be applied for each dress code violation.
Tobacco Free Workplace Policy
LWG Technologies Limited Tobacco Free Policy is dedicated to providing a healthy, comfortable, and productive work environment for our employees.
Employees who work in smoke-filled businesses suffer a 25-50% higher risk of heart attack and higher rates of death from cardiovascular disease and cancer, as well as increased acute respiratory disease and measurable decrease in lung function.
Smoke-filled workplaces result in higher worker absenteeism due to respiratory disease, lower productivity, higher cleaning and maintenance costs, increased health insurance rates, and increased liability claims for diseases related to exposure to secondhand smoke.
In light of these findings, LWG technologies Limited shall be entirely tobacco free . Smoking shall not be permitted in any enclosed company facility. Copies of this policy shall be distributed to all employees.
Weapon-Free Workplace Policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that LWG Technologies Limited maintains a workplace safe and free of violence for all employees, the company prohibits the possession or use of perilous weapons on company property. A license to carry the weapon on company property does not supersede company policy. Any employee in violation of this policy will be subject to prompt disciplinary action, up to and including termination or expulsion from the Simulated Workplace program. School and county policies for disciplinary measures regarding weapons on a school campus will be upheld. All company employees are subject to this provision, including contract and temporary employees, visitors and customers on company property.
“Dangerous weapons” include, but are not limited to, firearms, explosives, knives and other weapons that might be considered dangerous or that could cause harm. Employees are responsible for making sure that any item possessed by the employee is not prohibited by this policy.
LWG Technologies Limited reserves the right at any time and at its discretion to search all company-owned or leased vehicles and all vehicles, packages, containers, briefcases, purses, lockers, desks, enclosures and persons entering its property, for the purpose of determining whether any weapon has been brought onto its property or premises in violation of this policy. Employees who fail or refuse to promptly permit a search under this policy will be subject to discipline up to and including a termination.
This policy is administered and enforced by the Simulated Workplace supervisor
Cell Phone Policy
The cellular phone policy applies to any device that makes or receives phone calls, leaves messages, sends text messages, surfs the Internet, or downloads and allows for the reading of and responding to email whether the device is company-supplied or personally owned.
Cell Phones or Similar Devices at Work
LWG Technologies Limited is aware that employees utilize their personal or company-supplied cellular phones for business purposes. At the same time, cell phones are a distraction in the workplace. To ensure the effectiveness of instruction/hands-on activities, in addition to safety of all employees; all employees are asked to leave cell phones at their desk or out of the working/learning environment. Nevertheless, on the unusual occasion of an emergency or anticipated emergency that requires immediate attention, please inform your supervisor and ask for guidance.
Employees who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary actions, up to and including employment termination.
This policy does not supersede the local school or county board of education policy.
Computer and Internet Policy
Voice mail, email, and Internet usage assigned to an employee’s computer or telephone extensions are solely for the purpose of conducting Company business. Some job responsibilities at LWG Technologies Limited require access to the Internet and the use of software, in addition to the Microsoft Office suite of products. Only people appropriately authorized, for Company purposes, may use the Internet or access additional software.
Internet Usage
Internet use, on LWG Technologies Limited time, is authorized to conduct Company business only. Internet use brings the possibility of breaches to the security of confidential Company information. Internet use also creates the possibility of contamination to LWG Technologies Limited networking system via viruses or spyware. Spyware allows unauthorized people, outside the Company, potential access to Company passwords and other confidential information.
Removing such programs from the LWG Technologies Limited network requires IT staff to invest time and attention that is better devoted to progress. For this reason, and to assure the use of work time appropriately for work, we ask employees to limit Internet use.
Additionally, under no circumstances may Company computers or other electronic equipment be used to obtain, view, or reach any pornographic, or otherwise immoral, unethical, or non-business-related Internet sites. Doing so can lead to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
Email Usage at Company
Email is to be used for LWG Technologies Limited business only. Company confidential information must not be shared outside of the Company, without authorization, at any time. Employees are not to conduct personal business using the Company computer or email.
Please keep this in mind, when considering, forwarding non-business emails to associates, family or friends. Non-business related emails waste company time and attention.
Viewing pornography, or sending pornographic jokes or stories via email, is considered sexual harassment and will be addressed according to the company’s sexual harassment policy.
Emails That Discriminate
Any emails that discriminate against employees by virtue of any protected classification including race, gender, nationality, religion, and so forth, will be addressed according to the company’s harassment policy.
These emails are prohibited at LWG Technologies Limited. Sending or forwarding non-business emails will result in disciplinary action that may lead to employment termination.
Company Owns Employee Email
Keep in mind that the Company owns any communication sent via email or that is stored on company equipment. Management and other authorized staff have the right to access any material in your email or on your computer at any time. Do not consider your electronic communication, storage or access to be private if it is created or stored within the company networking system.
Social Media Policy
LWG Technologies Limited recognizes the importance of the Internet in shaping public thinking about your company and our current and potential products, employees, partners, and customers. LWG Technologies Limited also recognizes the importance of our employees joining in and helping shape industry conversation and direction through blogging and interaction in social media. Therefore,LWG Technologies Limited is committed to supporting your right to interact knowledgeably and socially in the blogosphere and on the Internet through blogging and interaction in social media.
These guidelines will help employees open up a respectful, knowledgeable interaction with people on the Internet. They also protect the privacy, confidentiality, and interests of LWG Technologies Limited as well as current and potential products, employees, partners, customers, and competitors.
Guidelines for Interaction about LWG Technologies Limited on the Internet
- If employees are developing a Web site or writing a blog that will mention LWG Technologies Limited and/or current and potential products, employees, partners, customers, and competitors, identify that you are an employee of LWG Technologies Limited and that the views expressed on the blog or Web site are yours alone and do not represent the views of the company.
- Unless given permission by your supervisor; employees are not authorized to speak on behalf of LWG Technologies Limited, or to represent that you do so.
- If you are developing a site or writing a blog that will mention LWG Technologies Limited and/or current and potential products, employees, partners, customers, and competitors, as a courtesy to the company, please let your manager know that you are writing them. Your supervisor may choose to visit from time to time to understand your point of view.
Confidential Information Component of the Blogging/Social Media Policy
- Employees may not share information that is confidential and proprietary about the company. This includes information about trademarks, upcoming product releases, sales, finances, number of products sold, number of employees, company strategy, and any other information that has not been publicly released by the company.
These are given as examples only and do not cover the range of what the company considers confidential and proprietary. If you have any question about whether information has been released publicly or doubts of any kind, speak with your manager and the Public Relations department before releasing information that could potentially harm LWG Technologies Limited or our current and potential products, employees, partners, and customers. Employees may also want to be aware of the points made in the non-disclosure agreement signed when they joined LWG Technologies Limited
- Company logos and trademarks may not be used without explicit permission in writing from the company. This is to prevent the appearance that employees speak for or represent the company officially.
Respect and Privacy Rights Components of the Blogging/Social Media Policy
- Speak respectfully about the LWG Technologies Limited and current and potential employees, customers, partners, and competitors. Do not engage in name calling or behavior that will reflect negatively on LWG Technologies Limited reputation. Note that the use of copyrighted materials, unfounded or derogatory statements, or misrepresentation is not viewed favorably by LWG Technologies Limited and can result in disciplinary action up to and including employment termination.
- LWG Technologies Limited encourages employees to write knowledgeably, accurately, and using appropriate professionalism. Despite disclaimers, your Web interaction can result in members of the public forming opinions about LWG Technologies Limited and its employees, partners, and products.
- Honor the privacy rights of current employees by seeking their permission before writing about or displaying internal company happenings that might be considered to be a breach of their privacy and confidentiality.
Competition Component of the Blogging Policy
- Employees may not sell any product or service that would compete with any of LWG Technologies Limited products or services without permission in writing from the president. This includes, but is not limited to training, books, products, and freelance writing. If in doubt, talk with your manager and the president.
Your Legal Liability Component of the Blogging Policy
- Recognize that you are legally liable for anything you write or present online. Employees can be disciplined by the company for commentary, content, or images that are defamatory, pornographic, proprietary, harassing, libelous, or that can create a hostile work environment. Employees can also be sued by company employees, competitors, and any individual or company that views your commentary, content, or images as defamatory, pornographic, proprietary, harassing, libelous or creating a hostile work environment.
Policy Against Workplace Harassment
LWG Technologies Limited is committed to providing a work environment for all employees that is free from sexual harassment and other types of discriminatory harassment. Employees are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner and to show respect for their co‐workers.
LWG Technologies Limited commitment begins with the recognition and acknowledgment that sexual harassment and other types of discriminatory harassment are, of course, unlawful. To reinforce this commitment, LWG Technologies Limited has developed a policy against harassment and a reporting procedure for employees who have been subjected to or witnessed harassment. This policy applies to all work‐related settings and activities, whether inside or outside the workplace.
LWG Technologies Limited property (e.g., telephones, copy machines, facsimile machines, computers, and computer applications such as e‐mail and Internet access) may not be used to engage in conduct that violates this policy. LWG Technologies Limited) policy against harassment covers employees and other individuals who have a relationship with LWG Technologies Limited which enables LWG Technologies Limited to exercise some control over the individual’s conduct in places and activities that relate to LWG Technologies Limited work (e.g., directors, officers, contractors, vendors, volunteers, etc.).
Prohibition of Sexual Harassment: LWG Technologies Limited policy against sexual harassment prohibits sexual advances or requests for sexual favors or other physical or verbal conduct of a sexual nature, when: (1) submission to such conduct is made an express or implicit condition of employment; (2) submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as a basis for employment decisions affecting the individual who submits to or rejects such conduct; or (3) such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with a employees work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, humiliating, or offensive working environment.
While it is not possible to list all of the circumstances which would constitute sexual harassment, the following are some examples: (1) unwelcome sexual advances ‐‐ whether they involve physical touching or not; (2) requests for sexual favors in exchange for actual or promised job benefits such as favorable reviews, salary increases, promotions, increased benefits, or continued employment; or (3) coerced sexual acts.
Depending on the circumstances, the following conduct may also constitute sexual harassment: (1) use of sexual epithets, jokes, written or oral references to sexual conduct, gossip regarding one’s sex life; (2) sexually oriented comment on an individual’s body, comment about an individual’s sexual activity, deficiencies, or prowess; (3) displaying sexually suggestive objects, pictures, cartoons; (4) unwelcome leering, whistling, deliberate brushing against the body in a suggestive manner; (5) sexual gestures or sexually suggestive comments; (6) inquiries into one’s sexual experiences; or (7) discussion of one’s sexual activities.
While such behavior, depending on the circumstances, may not be severe or pervasive enough to create a sexually hostile work environment, it can nonetheless make co‐workers uncomfortable. Accordingly, such behavior is inappropriate and may result in disciplinary action regardless of whether it is unlawful.
It is also unlawful and expressly against LWG Technologies Limited policy to retaliate against an employee for filing a complaint of sexual harassment or for cooperating with an investigation of a complaint of sexual harassment.
Prohibition of Other Types of Discriminatory Harassment: It is also against LWG Technologies Limited policy to engage in verbal or physical conduct that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual because of his or her race, color, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, national origin, disability, or other protected category (or that of the individual’s relatives, friends, or associates) that: (1) has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, humiliating, or offensive working environment; (2) has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance; or (3) otherwise adversely affects an individual’s employment opportunities.
Depending on the circumstances, the following conduct may constitute discriminatory harassment: (1) epithets, slurs, negative stereotyping, jokes, or threatening, intimidating, or hostile acts that relate to race, color, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, national origin, or disability; and (2) written or graphic material that denigrates or shows hostility toward an individual or group because of race, color, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, national origin, or disability and that is circulated in the workplace, or placed anywhere in LWG Technologies Limited premises such as on an employee’s desk or workspace or on LWG Technologies Limited equipment or bulletin boards. Other conduct may also constitute discriminatory harassment if it falls within the definition of discriminatory harassment set forth above.
It is also against LWG Technologies Limited policy to retaliate against an employee for filing a complaint of discriminatory harassment or for cooperating in an investigation of a complaint of discriminatory harassment.
Reporting of Harassment: If you believe that you have experienced or witnessed sexual harassment or other discriminatory harassment by any employee, report the incident immediately to your supervisor or principal. Possible harassment by others with whom LWG Technologies Limited has a business relationship, including customers and vendors, should also be reported as soon as possible so that appropriate action can be taken.
LWG Technologies Limited will promptly and thoroughly investigate all reports of harassment as discreetly and confidentially as practicable. The investigation would generally include a private interview with the person making a report of harassment. It would also generally be necessary to discuss allegations of harassment with the accused individual and others who may have information relevant to the investigation. LWG Technologies Limited goal is to conduct a thorough investigation, to determine whether harassment occurred, and to determine what action to take if it is determined that improper behavior occurred.
If LWG Technologies Limited determines that a violation of this policy has occurred, it will take appropriate disciplinary action against the offending party, which can include counseling, warnings, suspensions, and termination. Employees who report violations of this policy and employees who cooperate with investigations into alleged violations of this policy will not be subject to retaliation.
Compliance with this policy is a condition of each employee’s employment. Employees are encouraged to raise any questions or concerns about this policy or about possible discriminatory harassment with the supervisor or principal.
This policy in no way supersedes the county/school policy.
Safety Policies and Procedures
Why is Workplace Safety Important?
Workplace safety is about preventing injury and illness to employees in the workplace. Therefore, it’s about protecting the company’s most valuable asset: its employees. By protecting the employees’ well-being, the company shall reduce the amount of money paid out in health insurance benefits, workers’ compensation benefits and the cost of wages for temporary help.
Addressing Safety and Health Hazards in the Workplace
To make the workplace safer, the company has to acknowledge which potential health and safety hazards are present. Or determine where and what and how a worker is likely to become injured or ill. It starts with analyzing individual workstations and program areas for hazards — the potential for harm — be it a frayed electrical cord, repetitive motion, toxic chemicals, mold, lead paint or lifting heavy objects.
Job Hazard Analysis
OSHA describes a job hazard analysis as a technique that focuses on job tasks to identify hazards before they occur. The Simulated Workplace describes this analysis as ways to strengthen the entire Simulated Workplace experience. From either view, the analysis examines the relationship between the employee the task, the tools and the work environment.
Depending on the nature of the program’s projects, supervisors may have to assist safety team members with the management of specific hazards associated with their tasks:
- chemical (toxic, flammable, corrosive, explosive)
- electrical (shock/short circuit, fire, static, loss of power)
- ergonomics (strain, human error)
- excavation (collapse)
- explosion (chemical reaction, over pressurization)
- fall (condition results in slip/trip from heights or on walking surfaces — poor housekeeping, uneven surfaces, exposed ledges)
- fire/heat (burns to skin and other organs)
- mechanical (vibration, chaffing, material fatigue, failure, body part exposed to damage)
- noise (hearing damage, inability to communicate, stress)
- radiation (X-rays, microwave ovens, microwave towers for radio or TV stations or wireless technology)
- struck by (falling objects and projectiles injure body)
- struck against (injury to body part when action causes contact with a surface, as when screwdriver slips)
- temperature extreme (heat stress, exhaustion, hypothermia)
- visibility (lack of lighting or obstructed vision that results in error or injury)
- weather phenomena (snow, rain, wind, ice that increases or creates a hazard)
LWG Technologies Limited Safety Program
Any policy, procedure or training used by the company to further the safety of employees while working within the Simulated Workplace environment is considered part of a workplace safety program. Workplace safety programs to reduce work-related injury and illness are concerned with:
- promoting and rewarding safe practices at work
- reducing injuries and illnesses at work
- eliminating fatalities at work
Safety Culture Checklist
Characteristics of a Safety Culture | YES | NO |
Safety and safety terms are part of the language of your company. |
Workplace safety practices are part of everyone’s job description. |
Safe and unsafe behaviors are specified and enforced. |
Employees are rewarded for promoting safety. |
Safety concerns are evident in the interaction among employees and in their interaction with clients, co-workers, and visitors. |
New employees are briefed on safety procedures and are briefed on the consequences for ignoring safety practice or engaging in unsafe behavior. |
The consequences for ignoring safety practices are consistently enforced. |
Employees observe and follow correct hazardous protocols. |
Employees always wear and follow guidelines pertaining to protective gear and equipment. |
There is an active safety committee and meetings are well attended and documented. |
Accident Reporting Policy and Procedure
There must be a process put in place to report accidents, incidents or near misses for immediate action and to help track causes. The company must identify what needs to be reported, to whom it is to be reported, and how to report it, then put this process into a written procedure.
For example:
Any accident, incident, or “near miss,” no matter how slight the injury or damage, must be reported to the safety team supervisor immediately for appropriate action.
The supervisor is responsible for taking appropriate follow-up action, including getting medical attention for the injured, completing an investigation report and recommending or implementing appropriate corrective actions.
The primary purpose of the accident investigation is to identify the cause(s) of the accident, incident or “near miss” and take action to prevent a similar occurrence in the future. In some instances, an employee’s failure to follow recognized safety procedures requires disciplinary action to protect co-workers.
One person’s actions can jeopardize the safety of others in the workplace.
Disciplinary Program
A disciplinary program should be developed with the assistance of the supervisor and employees. A disciplinary program can be effective for addressing “repeat offenders” who often account for a high percentage of accidents, incidents and near misses.
The nature of the disciplinary action should be in line with such factors as severity, prior history, adequacy of prior training, and length of service within the company.
For example, general guidelines will call for:
- First offense — counseling/retraining/written warning
- Second offense — suspension
- Third offense — dismissal
Safety Violations Reporting
Program _____________________________________________________________________________________
Date ________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of the employee __________________________________________________________________________
Name of the safety team supervisor ________________________________________________________________
Nature of safety violation ________________________________________________________________________
Consequences for this violation ___________________________________________________________________
Was the employee put on probation? _______________________________________________________________
Why or why not? _______________________________________________________________________________
Remedial activities or training recommended _________________________________________________________
What type of training? _________________________________________________________________________
One copy to:
- Employee File
- Safety Team Records
- Instructor
- Building Administrator